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Faculty of Engineering

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya is one of the three institutes offering full time engineering degrees in the island. Annual entrollment to the engineering faculty is about 420. The Faculty offers a full-time Undergraduate Courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of the Science of Engineering (B.Sc.Eng). This is of four years duration, the first year being common to all students and the rest devoted to specialisation in on of the branches of engineering. Fields of specialization are determined end of the first year based on students' choices. Preference is given based on each student's standing in the first year examination results. Coursework (laboratory, design and fieldwork) and industrial training form an essential part of the undergraduate course.
Until year 2000 traditional British university education system exsisted where students followed a strict pre-defined curriculum without exceptions. Each year students had to take five to eight courses spanning the entire year. For each of the four years classes (or classifications) were offered strictly based on the students' performance in the exams held at the year end, provided the stiudents had satisfactorily completed the practical assignments related to labotrary/field-activity classes. To get a first class the students were expected to maintain an overall average above 75% in the final examination - no grade point average is reported as found in the present education system. For second upper and lower classes the margines were 65% and 55%, respectively. If the a student scored above 45% he/she passed the academic year without a class, or else had to take the 'repeat-exam' held about three months later or the next year-end examination. However, students were allowed to continue to the next year without retaking classes. Final year examination determined the class (or classification) associated with the degree offered, best being first class. Stundents who elected to take two optional courses during the final year received honours degree - e.g. B.Sc.Eng second class (Hons). The examinations were considered difficult to pass as students were supplied with minimum course related material during the exam contrary to the mdodern examination system, where students are not expected to memorize all the formulae and complete derivations. Students were either allowed to select predefined number of questions to answer by ignoring additional questions provided or expected to answer all the questions. All the questions were written type and no multiple choice quesitons(MCQ) were produced. Usually students were expected to derive an equation or a formula from first principle in the first part of the question and then use that in the following parts. Usually the final part of the question was related to applcaitons of the theory that was under consideration.
Since year 2001 course unit system has been adopted in Peradeniya engineering faculty. This allows students to elect courses of their choice and courses are not expected to be taken in the pre-defined secquence unless a course has pre-requisites. Students have to undergo assessments throughout the year and still each year classes (or classifications) are determined but not based on students' grade point average.
In order to introduce the students to practical engineering problems there are programmes for industrial training during the long vacations. These have been drawn up in colloboration with the National Apprenticeship and Industrial Training Authority (NAITA), which finds the places in industry. With changes taking place in both university and industry these programmes require review from time to time.
The degree of Master of the Science of Engineering (MScEng) is awarded after one year of full-time graduate study. Postgraduate Courses in special subjects are conducted from time to time and these lead to a Diploma in Engineering. The higher degrees of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) are awarded on the basis of dissertations.
In spite of having to contend with many difficulties similar to those experienced by the universities of other developing countries, the Faculty provides and academic environment of the highest quality and has maintained a gratifying record of teaching, research, and public service, the traditional functions of institutions of higher education. Research done in the Faculty have been published at home and abroad, while its consultancy and laboratory services have been provided over the years to private and public sector establishments in the country.
The Golden Jubilee of the Faculty of Engineering was celebrated grandly in July 2000 with a Jubilee Congress and mega exhibition
o Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
o Department of Civil Engineering
o Department of Computer Engineering
o Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
o Department of Engineering Mathematics
o Department of Mechanical Engineering
o Department of Production Engineering


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